Amberlust is a high fantasy eroge made in Renpy. The story unfolds in Yokubo, a kingdom engulfed in a war for 300 years, due to an unusual magic that feeds on the lust of its wielders. A stranger awakens with no memories in a cart heading towards a dark end. Quickly, they must learn to adapt to the world and find a way to regain their memory, unaware that their adventure would bring them a strange destiny.
Game Description
Consider supporting the dev if you like the game and want them to do what they love. Click on dev’s link for more info.
Release Date: 18 April, 2024
Game Size: 291.7 MB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Ren’Py
Current Game Version: 0.3 (Ongoing)
System Requirements
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 291.7 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Install Guide
- Extract and run.